5 Important Benefits of Chronic Care Management (CCM)

Chronic care management provides structure to an important facet of healthcare. It makes life easier for physicians and hospitals as well as the patients under their care. In this article, we’ll be exploring some of the top five benefits across the divide, as we strengthen the rallying call for modern clinical workflows to embrace this technology. Chronic care management solutions are the future of healthcare as they hold the key to eradicating its ailments. That being said, here goes the top 5 crucial benefits of CCM.
1) CCM empowers patients to take charge of their health
Hospitals and care facilities have long had the monopoly of healthcare. They have front-row access to data, with many patients playing second fiddle, being given information about their own health on a need-know-basis as if it were a highly classified government mission above their authority.
Modern chronic care management technologies level this playing field, giving patients just as much access to their data as a hospital or a physician does. You can check up on your vitals in real time, consult physicians over the phone, talk to AI-driven bots about your symptoms, and so on.
Additionally, CCM platforms enable greater personalization of a patient’s care experience, setting the stage for patient-centric care that’s more than just about merely managing symptoms.
2) Heightened productivity for clinicians
A physician's or any clinician’s productivity for that matter is very important when it comes to chronic care management as lives quite literally depend on it. Yet, physician productivity is hampered by inflated workloads arising from:
. Billing tasks
. Patient Monitoring
. Patient data management, among others
With more than 7 in 10 physicians confessing to overworking, chronic care management is necessary now more than ever. By taking some recurring, administrative tasks such as the ones mentioned above off the plate of clinical workers, they enjoy greater efficiency and workload relief, both of which boost physician productivity.
The long-term ripple effect of this is that the quality of care that a healthcare facility provides improves, in addition to increasing patient throughout which in turn also directly raises the bottom line.
3) Higher net revenues and profitability for facilities
Speaking of bottom lines, there’s another way that chronic care management programs also boost revenue generation and that’s through healthcare reimbursements. Medicaid – America’s public national insurance fund- pays care facilities for time spent managing patients via CCM programs. This covers costs for setting up equipment, providing patient assistance, and time spent communicating with patients.
According to a report by Singallamp Health, your practice stands to make at least $33 monthly per patient in CCM reimbursements. So CCM creates not just new but also recurring revenue streams.
Besides raising revenue directly, chronic care management also increases profitability. It ensures more optimal resource spending and reduces the number of out-of-pocket expenses for physicians and patients.
4) Care transition becomes simpler for everyone
When managing chronic illness, care transition is a fact of life. It occurs constantly. Health outcomes will be similarly bad if care transitions are poor, but CCM provides the bridges necessary to navigate all these separations effortlessly.
Some of the triggers of poor care transitions that chronic care management services iron out include:
. Medication errors – CCM preserves data integrity and accessibility while easing care collaboration between several parties to prevent medical errors
. Patient compliance- With virtual care technologies, several practitioners can monitor and enforce treatment adherence
. Safer transitions- CCM technologies can also improve transitions in a way that reduces a patient’s exposure to medical environments, and the infections that come with them.

Additionally, CCM platforms also streamline communication between multiple care teams to further reduce delays in the transition process.
5) Better access to quality healthcare
At least 51% of the American population is living with one or more chronic conditions. Yet despite being so many, only a few have access to the treatment that they need. That’s down to a combination of factors, including geographical barriers, the prohibitive cost of good healthcare, and clinician shortages among others.
All these hurdles are challenges that chronic care management solutions can remedy. Through virtual technologies, CCM can take healthcare to the patient, decentralizing quality care services beyond the limitations of a hospital’s walls. Moreover, CCM solutions can make health affordable while augmenting physicians to reduce their workload and free up more time for patient-facing duties.
Through all these, chronic care management improves care access and is the missing piece of the puzzle toward achieving universal health coverage.
Everyone’s a winner with the right CCM partner
As you can see, chronic care management services don’t just benefit hospitals. They also make things better not just for patients but their families or caregivers as well. Ultimately, the most important benefit of chronic care management is the elevation of care quality and the improvement of health outcomes. After all, the #1 goal in the healthcare industry is to save lives. If you’d like to tap into these and many more benefits of chronic care management programs, you need to partner with the right CCM. Visit Aura Health Solutions to find out more.

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